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Surveys Module

You can add a survey module to your Subject Viewer layout. If a subject in your project has been sent any surveys, the survey module will display detailed data about when the survey was sent and if and when the subject completed it. If a subject has been sent multiple surveys, the survey module will display this information for all of them in one module.

Surveys Module

Add a Survey Module

  1. Begin by following the instructions to Add a Module to a Layout.
  2. From the Build Your Own module page, select the Surveys tile. The survey module will appear in the Subject Viewer layout with all survey data for that subject.
  3. Toggle between Surveys and Responses to view when the survey was sent and if and when it was completed.
  4. Click the icon in the header to save your layout for future viewing.

It is important to complete step 4. You must save the layout itself before you navigate away or the module will not be saved to the layout.