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Subject Trial Matching Module

Adding a subject trial matching module to your Subject Viewer layout displays the clinical trials that a subject possibly qualifies for. The module automatically filters trials using subject information that already exists in the LifeOmic Platform. This data includes genetic variants and other detailed, patient-specific criteria. For more information on how trial matching works in the LifeOmic Platform, visit the comprehensive Clinical Trials section of the user guide.

Trial Matching Module

Add a Subject Trial Matching Module

  1. Begin by following the instructions to Add a Module to a Layout.

  2. From the Build Your Own module page, select the subject trial matching tile .

  3. The module will appear in your Subject Viewer layout and display the clinical trial information. The clinical trial information (title, recruiting status, etc.) are replicated from the Trial Matching section.

    • Use the toggles to filter the subject's demographic data.
    • Click on Switch to Trial Matching Search under Filters to navigate to the Trial Matching section and leave the Subject Viewer layout.
    • Click on any row in the module table to get details on a specific trial.
  4. Click the icon in the header to save your layout for future viewing.


It is important to complete step 4. You must save the layout itself before you navigate away.